Effect of Perceived Social Support on Emotional Intelligence of Malaysian Service Sector Employees

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Rachel Samuel
Idris Osman
Gregore Pio Lopez


The goal of this study is to ascertain how emotional intelligence, made up of personal and social competence, is affected by perceived social support. The sources of perceived social support are loved ones, close friends, and significant others. Emotional intelligence enables people to control their emotional energy to support those around them. Service sector employees are targeted as they deal with the effects of the recent pandemic. PLS-SEM was used to analyse 536 responses. Personal and social competencies were impacted by perceived social support. Surprisingly, personal competency was more strongly impacted. For various other economic sectors, similar analyses can be conducted.

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How to Cite
Samuel, R. ., Osman, I. ., & Lopez, G. P. . (2023). Effect of Perceived Social Support on Emotional Intelligence of Malaysian Service Sector Employees. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 8(24), 19–37. https://doi.org/10.21834/jabs.v8i24.421


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