Urban Transitions in Pandemic Scenarios: Insights from Hong Kong

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Mirna Zordan
Jin Yeu Tsou


Pandemic scenarios are affecting the psychological stability of the worldwide urban population, consequently impacting, among others, on human behaviour towards the use of urban spaces. This study explores linkages between psychological dynamics and uses of urban spaces in Hong Kong under the COVID-19-due psychological distress. Significant transitions in urban spaces preferences and decision-making processes emerged in favour of outdoor-related environmental factors, the non-coexistence of necessary and social activities in the same area, and the prevalence of behavioural imitators rather than initiators. A significant result revealed the relevance in urban dwellers perceptions' for activities rather than places.

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How to Cite
Zordan, M., & Tsou, J. Y. (2020). Urban Transitions in Pandemic Scenarios: Insights from Hong Kong. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 5(17), 55–70. https://doi.org/10.21834/jabs.v5i17.376


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