Measurement Instrument and Indicators of Subjective Well-Being: A Review Paper

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Nurul Hafizah Azizan
Zamalia Mahmud
Adzhar Rambli


Subjective well-being is focusing on happiness and life satisfaction of the people. This review is carried out to examine the contributing factors of people's happiness and life satisfaction and also to determine the measurement instrument used in conducting a survey. A total of 60 articles obtained from academic search engines and online databases which are Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and Scopus have been chosen to be reviewed within a period from September 2017 until January 2018. Only 33 articles indexed in Scopus and ISI are eligible for final review.

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Azizan, N. H., Mahmud, Z., & Rambli, A. (2018). Measurement Instrument and Indicators of Subjective Well-Being: A Review Paper. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 3(11), 22–33.


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