Students' Intentions and Student' Attainments at the On-campus House: A desk study

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Nurul 'Ulyani Mohd Najib
Nor'Aini Yusof
Amin Akhavan Tabassi


There is large call in Malaysia to study on how tertiary students perceived the performance of service quality of student housing; and to understand on how they translated their perceptions into behavioural intentions and personal attainments. The rationale for this paper is to explain the elements which constitute behavioural intentions and personal attainments; which is based on conventional reviews of plentiful volume of published journals from 1985 until 2014 in the area of student housing research. The results of the review clarified that behavioural intentions consist of favourable and unfavourable intentions; while personal attainments comprise of intellectual and self-development gains.

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Mohd Najib, N. ’Ulyani, Yusof, N., & Tabassi, A. A. (2018). Students’ Intentions and Student’ Attainments at the On-campus House: A desk study. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 3(10), 170–179.


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