Citizen Participation to Manage Heritage in the City of Shiraz

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S. Koorosh Sarvarzadeh


Today, citizen participation (CP) has become a global issue for mobilising untapped human resources, and it has spread across the field of Urban Heritage Conservation (UHC). This study aims to examine an indicator-based approach for the subjective evaluation of CP practice in UHC initiatives in Shiraz. It employs a questionnaire survey of 384 residents who engaged in the UHC initiatives. Finding, particularly, demonstrated that participants desire to attend a group discussion when the discussions are: respectful; possess mutual trust; respect to different points of view; equal opportunity to speak; offer common good; reciprocal dialogue; have a feedback communication.

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How to Cite
Sarvarzadeh, S. K. (2018). Citizen Participation to Manage Heritage in the City of Shiraz. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 3(10), 9–18.


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