Theory of Social Production and Socio-economic Issues in Low Income Housing in Ogbere, Ibadan

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Babatunde Jaiyeoba
Filiz Aklanoglu


The paper argues that low income housing is socially produced in different social contexts and examines the socio- economic issues in the social production of low income housing. It also presents some results of a case study in Nigeria to explain and understand housing production by low income people despite their marginalization and exclusion.Knowledge of how low income people produce houses and understanding the underlying motivation for house ownership in different social contexts is critical for policy.

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How to Cite
Jaiyeoba, B., & Aklanoglu, F. (2018). Theory of Social Production and Socio-economic Issues in Low Income Housing in Ogbere, Ibadan. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 3(7), 121–130.


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