Examining the state of Psychological Well-Being of young Unwed Mothers: Implications for extension education
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This study intends to examine the state of psychological well-being among the young unwed pregnant women who were placed in KEWAJA shelter home. Adolescence pregnancy is a social phenomenon and has impact on psychological health, socio-cultural and environmental challenges to individual and future communities. It could also contribute to the total burden of disability in the community. However, the result of the study showed the level of psychological well-being of the respondents was generally high. This finding has practical implications to extension agents and community development programs. Thus, a multi -pronged community driven programs are needed to reduce risk behavior among these young adults.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Norshidah Nordin, Rohaya Abd Wahab, Farhana Wan Yunus
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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