Spatial Bounded-Choice Behaviour within the Consumer of Rental Housing in Bandung, Indonesia

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Allis Nurdini
Ismet Belgawan Harun


The availability of choices for housing in different life phases is essential. The critical valuation from consumers becomes instrument to the quality control of housing supplied by producers. However, some consumers like students have unique characteristics, which potentially bound their housing choices. This paper describes the spatial bounded-choice phenomena from the situation of the students' behaviour in Bandung, Indonesia as a Case Study. The factual and perceptual conditions of the students' rental housing situated around the university in Bandung; the conditions of the housing choice; the factors which bound the student's housing choice; and the formulation strategies of intervention to overcome the bounding factors are explored.

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How to Cite
Nurdini, A., & Harun, I. B. (2017). Spatial Bounded-Choice Behaviour within the Consumer of Rental Housing in Bandung, Indonesia. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 2(3), 95–104.


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