Assessing Service Quality: From the perspective of people who perform prayers

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Hashim Fadzil Ariffin
Raja Puteri Saadiah Raja Abdullah
Mohamad Fahmi Bibon


This paper tries to delineate customer behaviour in assessing service quality, focusing on visit intention to restaurants and hotels that are providing prayer rooms (surau) for Muslims to perform their prayers during the month of Ramadhan. The remaining dimensions of service quality were included to portray a larger picture in measuring the relationship and predictory model of customer behavior. It was found that service quality elements contribute significantly to customer behaviour. The element of religiosity was found to mediate the relationship between surau and customer behaviour.

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How to Cite
Ariffin, H. F., Raja Abdullah, R. P. S., & Bibon, M. F. (2017). Assessing Service Quality: From the perspective of people who perform prayers. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 2(3), 11–20.


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