Students’ Awareness, Experiences and Perceptions on Teaching-Research Nexus

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Rohayati Jusoh
Zubaidah Zainal Abidin


This paper presents a study of students‟ awareness, experiences and perceptions on teaching-research nexus in three universities in Malaysia, namely UiTM, UIA and UKM. The findings are based on the results of the questionnaires of 480 students. In line with the previous research, the results indicate that students are moderately aware of the research activities of their lecturers. Nevertheless, many of the students participating in this research perceive clear benefits to teaching and learning from the research activities undertaken at their university, their experiences on research aspects, and the academicians' involvement in research. The results of the study could be applied to the discussion of particular strategies that may be used to strengthen the nexus between teaching and research to benefit the undergraduates‟ learning experience in these institutions. 

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How to Cite
Jusoh, R., & Zainal Abidin, Z. (2017). Students’ Awareness, Experiences and Perceptions on Teaching-Research Nexus. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 2(2), 79–88.


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