Young Children Selections of the Physical Elements in the Preschool Environment

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Nurul Nadiah Sahimi
Ismail Said


The camera is a tool which can give young children an opportunity to express their thoughts and provide adults with a tangible evidence of their preferences. This study is to explore young children thoughts and preferences of their preschool environment through words and photographs. Eighteen young children of age four and five was given a camera to take pictures of their preschool in pairs. Children were interviewed on their photographs selection and their conversation was recorded. Results show there are differences and similarities on the children preferences on the physical elements in the preschool environment.

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How to Cite
Sahimi, N. N., & Said, I. (2016). Young Children Selections of the Physical Elements in the Preschool Environment. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 1(1), 91–101.


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