Compostional Design as Sale Strategy: Shopping mall window display

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Thitipann Kernsom
Nopadon Sahachaisaeree


This research was undertaken applying the “stimulus-organism-response” theory with two objectives: to ascertain determinants of window display intertwined with product messages and strategies; to study perceptions on window display conveying positioning, value, and quality of products creating customer’s desire to visit and purchase. Significant findings are for fashionable products to employ a single merchandising approach with large window size; accessories to utilize warm background color and not showing in-store; eyewear, jewelry, and watch products to showcase through images of presenters wearing them; luggage to use accent-lighting to brighten itself. Additionally, the effects of visual stimuli affected consumers’ cognitive and affective reactions.

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How to Cite
Kernsom, T., & Sahachaisaeree, N. (2016). Compostional Design as Sale Strategy: Shopping mall window display. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 1(1), 7–15.


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