The Development of Driver's Evaluation in Malaysia: A concept paper

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Mohamad Ghazali Masuri
Akehsan Dahlan
Ajau Danis
Khairil Anuar Md Isa


Road traffic accident (RTA) frequently involves multi-level society and this has become a demanding community issue where more serious participation is needed to improve driver's attitude in the future. RTA has a significant impact on quality of life and financial burden to the government and Malaysian society. Currently, there is limited local evidence supporting the elements of driver's attitudes. This concept paper will discuss a potential method to be used in developing valid and sensitive driver's evaluation. This evaluation may help the government of Malaysia to produce better road users in the future.

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How to Cite
Masuri, M. G., Dahlan, A., Danis, A., & Md Isa, K. A. (2018). The Development of Driver’s Evaluation in Malaysia: A concept paper. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 3(9), 141–148.


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