Sensory Design of Learning Environment for Autism : Architects awareness?

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Roslinda Ghazali
Siti Rasidah Md. Sakip
Ismail Samsuddin


The designated learning environment should be created as a unique learning space for autistic children and consider the sensory issues to overcome their needs. This learning environment would help Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to continue their education in different environments to survive independently in the real world. This study used the variables of sensory stimulation, sensory sensitivity, sensory design, and physical learning environment to construct a questionnaire. It would distribute to architects towards achieving their level of knowledge and awareness. Findings are useful in the future for architects and designers when making decisions to provide conducive facilities for the autistic.

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How to Cite
Ghazali, R., Md. Sakip, S. R., & Samsuddin, I. (2019). Sensory Design of Learning Environment for Autism : Architects awareness?. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 4(14), 53–62.


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