Neighborhood Park Visit Impacted Psychological Health in Reducing Stress

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Hazreena Hussein
Syaidatul Azzreen Ishak
Wan Mohd Azam Wan Mohd Yunus


This study examines the relationship between residents' stress levels with their participation at the neighborhood park in Petaling Jaya. The information on stress level and neighborhood park usage pattern proceed by distributing a questionnaire survey set. The outcome of this study identifies the connection of stress result with the usage pattern at the neighborhood park. Future research is recommended to have more than one case study with different demographic pattern backgrounds to enhance the residents' mental wellbeing by better planning neighborhood parks as a stress reliever.

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How to Cite
Hussein, H. ., Ishak, S. A. ., & Wan Mohd Yunus, W. M. A. . (2021). Neighborhood Park Visit Impacted Psychological Health in Reducing Stress . Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies, 6(18), 47–60.


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